Monday, April 5, 2010

At the end of the's all the same food!

Here's something that's been weighing REALLY heavily on my heart the past few days.

Let's examine two restaurants. Restaurant-A and Restaurant-B.

Restaurant-A has excellent quality food. Everybody loves the food there. Some people have been going to eat there every week since they were little. After they leave this restaurant, they leave full, happy, and wanting to tell everyone about how they should go to this place.

Restaurant-B also has excellent quality food. Their menu is slightly different from Restaurant-A, but everybody who goes there loves the food there. Some people have also been going to this restaurant every week since they were little, and after they leave this restaurant, they leave full, happy, and wanting to tell everyone about how they should go to this place.

Now think about this: what if someone who had been going to Restaurant-A their whole life decided one day to test out the food at Restaurant-B? They went in, and said WOW! This food is great! I'm full, happy, and even though it's slightly different from the old place, I still love it!

The Problem: People who go to Restaurant-A every week do not think about the fact that the person who decided to eat at Restaurant-B is still getting the same nutrition, or that he is still leaving full and happy. All they care about is being upset about that person leaving the place they've always gone their whole life.

Now...imagine that these Restaurants were not Restaurants, but Churches.

Here's the part that bothers me...if we are all getting the same Jesus, the same Bible, the same Word...why does it matter what house we're in?

At the end of the day, we all get fed, we all leave happy, and we all leave wanting to tell everyone about how they should go to this place.

How come it seems that the bigger picture has been kinda lost...the one about being filled up with Christ so much that we pour out His love to others? No matter what the source, no matter which "restaurant," we all still get what we need, the tools to reach people for CHRIST!

At the end of the day, it's all the same food! Shouldn't we be GLAD that people are being fed and not starving, rather than being mad about the fact that they are eating at a new restaurant?

Feel free to leave comments.

1 comment:

  1. totally agree. Christ is about love, about unifying the body of Christ. I think many times God probably thinks, "why should that matter?" when it comes to things us Christians divide ourselves about. I mean, my church may not be for you and vice versa, but like you said, its about hearing God's voice. As long as you're getting fed, more power to you! The main thing is that we as Christians believe Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. I mean, we are all human and fallable, and even though I totally agree with your blog, I have to watch myself and catch myself when I start to focus on silly things like who goes wehre to church..I mean really..who cares?!?! It's not about me, about you, about a sanctuary, it's about Christ. period. good blog
