Monday, March 29, 2010

It's been a long time!

Hello blog world...

It's currently this entry will not have much (or any) thought put into it at all.

I made this blog site a few years back for an assignment, and tonight I decided I'd bring it back to life.

A couple people have asked me, "You have a blog? What are you going to blog about?" And my answer to you people who ask this is...ANYTHING!

I have no plan, no goals, no nothing to achieve when it comes to this blog. Just simply that I can get my thoughts out and share them with you fine people. All 33 of you who looked at my blog posts between 2008 and now...guess I'm going to have to work on some readers.

ANYWAY. It is now 1:35am (I wasn't kidding about the no thought into this post thing...) and so I think I shall go to bed.

More to come soon!



  1. Cool. Can I have a blog too?

  2. Yes you can! But it requires actually getting on the computer and maintaining it and writing pretty regularly...think you're up to the task, Dad?
